Saturday, June 8, 2024

Entendemos La Historie, Esta es La Revolución - Understand History, This is the Revolution


A word about Cuba the country... So much complexity around the economy, the government currency rates, the pesos for dollars on the streets... power cuts... some notes here to help find a way through.

Why does the US have Guantanamo?  It was 100 yr lease for 1902 when the US helped to fight the Spanish.

My airbnb host told his story of the revolution. 1953 and Castro's fight against Batista and subsequent capture and trial where he defended himself...'History will observe me.' His exile.

His return in 1956 in a boat with just 82 men. And his fight from the East to the West of the island between 1956 to 1959.

Until December 1958 when Batista flees to the Dominican Republic with 300 million dollars. 

The Bay of Pigs 16th-19th April 1961.  And cuban missile crisis in 1963, when Castro was unhappy that Kruschev did a deal with Kennedy. 

He told me about the The film I am Cuba. It is a proud history. However, it now seems it may be in the way of the best interests of the people, when some struggle receive basic supplies. 

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